by Ravi Backerdan on June 13, 2022

Venetian plaster and regular plaster

What is the difference between Venetian plaster and regular plaster?

You have most likely heard about Venetian plaster earlier for letting you stumble upon our page. It's also highly likely that your query is related to finding what is the difference between Venetian plaster and regular plaster.

Today, we will discuss the difference between Venetian plaster and regular plaster for you, with insights from MGP Painting, your expert service provider.

Fun Fact - Venetian Plaster means liquid marble.

What is Venetian Plaster?

Venetian Plaster looks like another variant of marble without the actual qualities of a real marble. It's made of lime putty and marble dust. When combined with natural elements, Venetian plaster offers a striking impact like that of marble. 

It is also the reason why it is popular amongst homeowners looking for a budget-friendly option other than costly marble. Venetian plaster comes with various variants to achieve the sheen, texture, and shadings similar to marble. For enjoying the best venetian plaster decor, always opt for professional service providers.

The effect of Venetian plaster can be enhanced by adding acrylic resins to complement the structural elements in residential houses and commercial hotels. The other reason for Venetian plaster’s popularity is its composition. This plaster type is manufactured with lime-based components which are less harmful and hypoallergenic, algae resistant.

What is Regular Plaster?

The most widely recognized sorts of mortar principally contain either gypsum, lime, or cement, yet all work likewise. The mortar is produced as a dry powder and is blended in with water to shape a hardened useful glue before its applied to the walls.

History of Venetian Plaster

In earlier times, after processing marble, its waste marble dust was used to create artificial marble. The classical Venetian plaster became popular during the Renaissance period. Most of the structures in venetian plaster are composed using water, vegetable dyes and marble dust. 

By its appearance, it is hard to distinguish Venetian plaster from marble. Natural Venetian could not be used in facades due to its composition, but then the introduction of synthetic plaster changed everything.

The more modern plaster compositions include mixing a certain percentage of lime binders or acrylic binders that offer elasticity and support its application on interior structures as well. 

Today, the common domestic markets offer various coatings grouped under the name Venetian plaster, which may not necessarily be the same as the traditional Venetian plaster.

The Difference In Finishing Style

1. Venetian plaster 

The coating is a pack full of wonders resembling the architecture of Venice city. It brings back the charm of the old world with its luxurious finish. 

The coatings can be applied using a spatula or trowel. Often requiring multiple layers until a smooth surface is achieved, the plaster produces the illusion of texture and depth.

The excellent Venetian plaster comes in variants of synthetic and lime-based, which makes it easy for you to choose which type is best for your wall.

2. Regular plaster- 

Regular plaster finishes come in various types of textures depending on the wall. Some common types are- cellulose, mud-based, cement-based, stucco plaster, lime-based or acrylic. 

All these types require careful application.

  • Lime-based plaster is mold-resistant and not prone to crumbling and cracks.

  • Cement-based plaster is durable and weather-resistant but can be difficult to apply.

  • Acrylic-based plaster is water-resistant and easy to work with.

  • Cellulose plaster is best for dampening sounds and controlling temperature but is only good for interior walls.

Venetian plaster is a more high-end wall treatment measure compared to regular plaster because it requires a skilled professional. In contrast, regular plaster can be created at home and applied by oneself.

The Difference In Methods Of Application

1. Professional Painters Can Apply Venetian Plaster

The tools required for applying Venetian plaster

  1. Steel trowel or 4- to 6-inch drywall knife
  2. Eye protection gear

  3. Gloves

  4. Roller brush

  5. Paint tray

Materials required for Venetian paint application

  1. 400 to 600 grit sandpaper

  2. Venetian plaster

  3. Painting primer

  4. Spare cloth for cleaning

  5. Roller cover

  6. Universal colorants

  7. Topcoat or paste wax


The application of Venetian plaster is a more creative and laborious process. Although the application of Venetian plaster does not require any dedicated artistic skills, desired results cannot be achieved without some experience.

  1. Mixing the Plaster: Add the tint required, and mix the ingredients thoroughly. 

  2. Starting Application: Begin from one corner of the room and going all the way through the other end of the wall using a flexible steel trowel. You can use a 4- to 6-inch-wide drywall knife.

  3. First Coat: Apply the first thin coat of plaster while holding the trowel at a 15- to 30-degree angle to the wall. Let the paint dry before applying the next coat. 

  4. Second Coat: Fill the high spots and voids using overlapping and short strokes, keeping the knife at a 60-90-degree angle. Let the second coat dry for 24 hours. 

  5. Finishing Touches: To finish up, apply the finishing top coat. Rub the surface with a thin sandpaper in a circular motion and clean the surface with a damp cloth. Applying the topcoat adds durability to the paint.

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2. DIY Approach for Regular Plaster

Regular plaster can be applied as Three Coat Plaster, Two Coat Plaster, Single Coat Plaster, Cement Plaster, and Cement Lime Plaster.


  1. First Coat: Apply the first coat of plaster between the spaces formed by the screeds on the wall surface using a trowel. This is done by means of the trowel. 

  2. Leveling: Level the surface using flat wooden floats and wooden straight edges.

  3. Setting: Allow the first coat to set, but do not let it dry completely.

  4. Roughening: Roughen the surface with a scratching tool to create a key for the second coat of plaster.

Comparisons: Venetian Plaster vs Other Materials

Here are the key comparisons between Venetian plaster and other materials:

Venetian Plaster vs Plaster of Paris: 

  • Venetian plaster is made from a mixture of plaster and marble or limestone dust, while plaster of Paris is made from gypsum.

  • Venetian plaster has a richer, more marble-like appearance compared to the smoother, flatter finish of plaster of Paris.

  • Venetian plaster is generally more durable and long-lasting than plaster of Paris. 

Venetian Plaster vs Drywall: 

  • Venetian plaster is a decorative wall finish applied in thin layers, while drywall is a structural building material.

  • Venetian plaster provides a unique, textured look that cannot be achieved with flat drywall. It creates a more luxurious, high-end aesthetic. 

  • Venetian plaster is more labor-intensive to install compared to drywall, but can last much longer with proper maintenance. 

Venetian Plaster vs Stucco: 

  • Stucco is a cement-based exterior wall finish, while Venetian plaster is an interior decorative wall finish.

  • Stucco has a rougher, more textured appearance compared to the smooth, marble-like finish of Venetian plaster. 

  • Venetian plaster is made with a different mix of materials, using fired limestone and water instead of cement, sand and water like traditional stucco. 

Venetian Plaster vs Lime Plaster: 

  • Lime plaster is a traditional plastering technique using lime, sand and water, while Venetian plaster contains plaster and marble/limestone dust.

  • Lime plaster has a more matte, natural appearance, while Venetian plaster has a smoother, more polished marble-like finish. 

  • Venetian plaster is generally more durable and resistant to cracking compared to traditional lime plaster. 


Venetian plaster is a more high-end wall treatment measure compared to regular plaster because it requires a skilled professional. In contrast, regular plaster can be created at home and applied by oneself. For professional applications and more information on different types of plaster finishes, contact MGP Painting, your trusted service provider.

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